William’s Toren III, Dutch Lighthouse In Aceh

William Toren

William’s Toren III, Dutch Lighthouse In AcehWilliam’s Toren III stand on the most western village in Indonesia, Meulingge, Breuh Island. Built in 1875 when William III was a king (1817-1890).

William’s Toren III, Dutch Lighthouse In Aceh 

Reasonably, if the name of the lighthouse it adopted the name of the King better known as Willem Alexander Paul Frederik Lodewijk, the leader of Luxemburg at that time. When he became King, Willem indeed actively build the economy and infrastructure in the region of  Dutch East Indies, including Breuh Island.

The lighthouse was completed to coincide with the 65th birthday anniversary of William III. Not only this lighthouse, all buildings being completed at that time dedicated to the king. William’s Toren III or William Towers were also on the Hollands and the Caribbean. Now, the lighthouses in Caribbean and Aceh that still in use. William’s Toren III in Hollands has changed the function to the museum.

Despite decades-old, William’s Toren III remains sturdy. The 85-meter-tall tower is still in use. The tower located within a complex covering an area of 20 hectares. The settlement was once populated Dutch officers. Now, Willam's Toren was guarded by three officers who always swapped shift three months.
William Toren

Behind the splendor of its history, to go to Willam's Toren III needs a challenge. The journey starts from the footpath in front of the Elementry School of Meulingge. The tracks directly uphill. 
William Toren

Sometimes a passenger or driver of a motorcycle forced down. The motorcycle will issue appropriate diverse voice type to conquer the hill elevation about 30 degrees. The next game was against the road rider contoured land filled with chunks of mountain stone on both sides of the vehicle lanes.

Approaching the lighthouse Willam's Toren, we will meet the intersection. Turn left to heading Willam's Toren and to the right when heading Ujung Pineung dock.
William Toren

After getting the lighthouse, I asked permission to guard to go to the top of the lighthouse. I passed old buildings towards the Tower. The walls of the building now have been renovated, wood doors already painted again. Right in front of the building, some shelters made of iron water still sturdy, no water sources around the lighthouse. 

Right above the entrance towers beacon writing temples of sentences in the language of the Netherlands. In English may be the translation is "A glorious tribute to William III. The King of the Netherlands at the same time the rulers of Luxemburg. Be peace in your journey. We admire all your courage. All life and struggles that you offer. GWEN ".

Once up the stairs, I finally arrive at the top of the tower. The large Tower lights caught my attention be the first sight. From the top of the Tower, Weh island clearly was seen. Some of the ships that crossed the sea are also seen.

We take off point of view for a moment rests on the edge of the top of the Tower in the loop around the bars of iron painted red. Look deep into the bottom of the sea is blue. Perhaps the tower was only the Dutch remains colonize building in the past. But for me, it's more than an extent of the lighthouse. This opened my eyes, Indonesia country where I was born and raised.
William Toren

William Toren

William Toren

William Toren

William Toren

William Toren

William Toren

William Toren

William Toren

William Toren

William Toren

William Toren

William Toren

William Toren

William Toren

William Toren

William Toren

William Toren

William Toren

Read too: Beach Camping On The Breuh Island Coast

I end up this trip. Then walk away leaving the building. See you!


  1. saya paling takut sama yang ketinggian

    1. Waduh, dicoba dulu mas. atau ada obat herbal penghilang ambeien? :p

  2. waaaah suka ngiri kalo ada blogger Indonesia bisa nulis pake bahasa inggris. Keren!

    1. wah jangan gitu mas, masih belajar juga mas adis. kapan ke aceh? :)

  3. It's still in good shape hey? Very nice. Hope to see it one day. Semangat!

    1. ya mas mumun, masih alami sekali. kesini dong :)

  4. keren..entah nanti pas kesitu apa berani naik saya? belum pernah naik menara model begini -_-


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