Mie Aceh: Spicy Noodle with a Serious Piece of Pigeon

Mie Aceh is a spicy noodle dish from Aceh that uses thick yellow noodle. Cooked well with a spicy curry. Usually served either soupy (mie kuah), half-soupy (mie goreng basah/tumis), or fried noodle (mie goreng). The Acehnese original recipe people usually use beef, goat meat, or common seafood ingredient such as prawn. How about to add pigeon meat as prawn? How good does it sounds?

Mie Aceh: Spicy Noodle with a Serious Piece of Pigeon

According to Specialist Animal Concern Consultant  Dr. Michael Imchen claim that pigeon meat is a sweet and delicate white game meat with extremely low skin fat and low cholesterol value. Pigeon meat is rich in micronutrients and a wide range of vitamins including the B complex, folate and vitamin E and K with extremely low skin fat and low cholesterol value. Luckly i had chance to taste some pigeon meat in my acehnese spicy noodle and it’s sound very appetizing for me. 

Starting from the Junior High School room chat, Agus offer us to try some pigeon meat as prawn. Well, he has a much pigeon from his hunt. Our choise come to Mie Yah Cut that located right next to Martabak Ayah in Peunayong, Banda Aceh. Mie Yah Cut using a charcoal to cook mie Aceh, so  that makes all their dish well cooked. 

This time, they served us Mie Aceh with the burung puyuh (pigeon) version with a bit of gravy. Good taste, the spicy curry made of shirmp„ little bit broth blends really well with the savory meat and yellow noodle. And the addition, it is garnished with fried shallot sprinkles and served with crunchy of emping, slices of shallots, cucumber, and a slice of lime.

Maybe it’s to be the first ever Mie Aceh that is bold enough to innovate the original taste of mie Aceh by adding new ingredient beside Lobster and beef in its recipe. Our Mie Aceh prawned by pigeon taste good. The spices well absorbed in to the noodle. All my friends (Agus, Faizal, Amalul, Khairur, Berry, Aprizkazia, Mujee, Randa and Dedi) and i treat pigeon meat like it’s the best taste prawn for Mie Aceh ever.

A Mie Aceh for dinner with full-sized pigeon will cost you around IDR 80k. But it’s periodly, the pigeon meat not always ready stock. Rarely to find in Banda Aceh.

Overall it was a great pleasure for me to have my first ever Mie Aceh pigeon. You know you can have it from now on someday. Hunt the pigeon and hop on to nearest mie aceh shop around you and satisfy those curiosity!

Thanks for visiting Mie Aceh: Spicy Noodle with a Serious Piece of Pigeon article. I hope things will get interesting going forward…


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